Sun in Virgo

As we enter the weeks of Virgo, I am reminded that summer is winding down and autumn is almost upon us! Yesterday the once-in-a-lifetime eclipse occurred, a triumphant ending to the Leo season.

What does this change in astrological season signify? In basic terms, any child born between now and September 22nd will have the sign of Virgo. In a spiritual sense, The Maiden’s energy reminds us bring our focus back to practical pursuits. As Virgos are known to be highly-organized and hardworking, the shift in the zodiac encourages us to prioritize our lives, get down to business, and clean up any clutter. I have felt the Virgo energy to begin deep cleaning and organizing my home.

What projects have you been putting off all summer? Tap into Virgo power to give you the motivation and organizational prowess to check-off delayed tasks from your to-do list!